1.恭賀 胡雅姿主任榮登SCI 期刊發表 The investigation of human error analysis in adverse drug events in Taiwan—From the perspective of causality assessment (2019)


2.恭賀 郭小懷組長榮登SCI 期刊發表 Effects of lorcaserin on the cardiometabolic risk factors in obese patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2019)


3.恭賀 胡雅姿主任榮登SCI 期刊發表 An Investigation of Human Errors in Medication Adverse Event Improvement Priority Using a Hybrid Approach (2021)


4.恭賀 羅凱薰主任榮登 SCI 期刊發表 The impact of COVID-19 on routine vaccinations in Taiwan and an unexpected surge of pneumococcal vaccination (2022)